Thursday, November 17, 2005

Chapter 12

Where did it really start getting bad?

When did I realize I wanted out?

When did I realize no matter how hard I tried I couldn't?

Christian College.

I could drink up a storm and no one would care. I could do whatever I wanted. I didn't have to answer to anyone.

The question of why I chose a Christian College is one I have been thinking about while I am here in treatment. The program seems to rely so heavily on God and I have always believed in God.

I was in a youth group that traveled when I was in junior high and high school. I was a choir boy. I just remember how wonderful it felt to sing about God. I loved it. I loved to sing. Singing has been my escape for as long as I can remember and there was just something that happened to me when I sang about God.

I just never carried any of that outside of singing in the church youth choir.

Believe and follow are two completely different things.

I went to college to sing and play soccer. By my Junior year I was doing neither. I went to a Christian College and outside of being in choir for a while I didn't attend one church service.

Not one.


I got into quite a bit of trouble my freshman year at college. All of it because of the "No Alcohol on campus" rule. I actually get written up my first day. There is a threat of expulsion my first year.


I start smoking pot every day. The day that I can't find any I scrape the resin from my pipes and smoke that.

I binge drink. Not everyday. When I do drink it is usually until I blackout. I lose big portions of evenings. The confusion of waking up and not knowing what I had done. Who I had done it with.

I sleep with girls that I don't even remember names.

or faces.

Most college guys wear these like badges of honor.

Each one for me is a tremendous guilt that builds like a giant wall around my soul. Brick by brick. All of it translates to guilt.

No outlet for my guilt. I drink to suppress it. I feel guilty for drinking.


I discover other drugs. Mushrooms. Acid. Cocaine. All of these I wish I had never taken. Guilt.

Acid is the one that still terrifies me. Some doors are shut for a reason.

All of this time I can feel God tugging at my heart.

Some doors we shut ourselves.

I am one giant party. College is one giant party. I am the guy that people love to party with. I don't have a stop button. I am funny. I am crazy. Inside I scream with more pain then I can handle and I don't let anyone know. I can't let anyone know.

I have to always appear to have a wonderful life. I need people to like me. I get a tremendous amount of satisfaction from the attention. I am who they want me to be. I am no self control.

To them I am free.


Blogger Heather said...

Your last two paragraphs just described my best friend.

12:21 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...


God is so good, my friend. It's so huge that you're sharing all of this.

I am so moved.

8:16 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Steve: your last two paragraphs here described me pre-salvation.

My friends would say, "yeah... I have this friend Stephanie... I can tell you which karaoke bar she's singing at every single night of the week." I was everywhere. I was visible. I was the life of the party. I was dying inside. Steve: I LOVE that you're doing this. I may not have gone down the drug route, but I get this. I totally and completely get this... and I love that you are baring your soul like this. It's nice to know I wasn't the only one...

8:26 AM  

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